(Justicia adhatoda)
100% Natural Justicia Adhatoda, commonly known in English as Malabar nut, adulsa,
adhatoda, vasa, vasaka. This plant reveals that Adhatoda vasica Nees belonging to
family Acanthaceae, commonly known as Adosa, is found many regions of India,
Sri lanka and throughout the world, with a multitude of uses in traditional Ayurveda
and it is an effective herb that may help to overcome respiratory congestions like
cough, bronchitis, asthma and reduces fever.
Helps with cough, bleeding gums, and indigestion
No chemical pesticides, artificial additives or preservative
Useage: MIx half teaspoon of powder with honey or hot water and take morning and evening before food
Ingredients: 100% pure Adathoda leaf powder
(Justicia adhatoda)
100% Natural Justicia Adhatoda, commonly known in English as Malabar nut, adulsa,
adhatoda, vasa, vasaka. This plant reveals that Adhatoda vasica Nees belonging to
family Acanthaceae, commonly known as Adosa, is found many regions of India,
Sri lanka and throughout the world, with a multitude of uses in traditional Ayurveda
and it is an effective herb that may help to overcome respiratory congestions like
cough, bronchitis, asthma and reduces fever.
Helps with cough, bleeding gums, and indigestion
No chemical pesticides, artificial additives or preservative
Useage: MIx half teaspoon of powder with honey or hot water and take morning and evening before food
Ingredients: 100% pure Adathoda leaf powder